The story takes place in Western Dazzling Gambling Den Las Vegas.
The Chaldea crushed Nobunaga's illegal casino,
but there are other casinos and brothels that are operating illegally without permission.
Ritsuka Fujimaru goes undercover with two servants who are sensitive to the disturbance of public morals...物語の舞台は西部絢爛賭場ラスベガス。
そこで藤丸立香は風紀の乱れに敏感な2騎のサーヴァントを連れ、潜入捜査に臨むのであった…。Click here to download the high-quality version !
高画質版のダウンロードはこちら!20210831_Undercover Investigater Ritsuka Fujimaru(FHD-60FPS).mp4